Pin tumbler metal drawer lock, 19/32″ – C8137
CompX National pin tumbler metal drawer lock with insertable stainless steel bolt, 19/32" cylinder length, dull chrome finish, various keying options.
Product Overview
For center drawers of metal desks. Fits special piercing of drawer front and selvedge (see drawing). The stainless steel bolt withstands a higher degree of abuse and is a direct replacement for existing C8137 with diecast bolts.
Key removable in both locked and unlocked positions
Will key together with all other pin tumbler locks using D4291 key blank. See table for available keying. Master keying to GM1.
Supplied with two keys, mounting nut and stainless steel insertable bolt
Technical Specifications
Additional Details
CompX National pin tumbler metal drawer lock with insertable stainless steel bolt, 19/32" cylinder length. Keyed alike to 101, 103, 107 and 915. 850 keyed different codes and 650 masterkey keyed different codes. Available in dull chrome finish.