Disc tumbler locking”L” handle – C8749
CompX National disc tumbler handle lock for metal doors and cabinets, right hand and left hand , rear mount, 4" spindle length with 5/16" square, dull chrome finish, various keying options.
Product Overview
For doors on metal lockers and cabinets. For R.H. doors, install with escutcheon vertical. For L.H. doors, install with escutcheon horizontal. Choice of spindle lengths and mounting. C8749 has 8-32 tapped end hole will accept only the C8757 tongue. Spindles can be cut to fit special requirements.
Key removable in both locked and unlocked positions. Rear mounting.
Will key together with all other disc tumbler locks using D8785 key blank.
Supplied with two keys and mounting hardware.
Technical Specifications
Additional Details
CompX National disc tumbler handle lock for metal doors and cabinets, right hand and left hand , rear mount, 4" spindle length with 5/16" square, dull chrome finish, keyed alike to C415A and 200 keyed different codes.
Finishes Available